It seems these days we are talking away from each other not with each other.
Dimensions: 41” Wide, 41.5” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 6 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $6000

When we come to the alter of God, it is a time to commune with God. It is a time to let God see into our souls.
What does it feel like for God to see into your soul?
Dimensions: 36” Wide, 32.5” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 6 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $5200

Luna is a study of a Maximo Laura design.
Dimensions: 48” Wide, 48” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 6 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: NFS

The Andean or Inca Cross is a stepped cross made up of an equal-armed cross indicating the primary points of the compass and a superimposed square.
Do you have an internal compass or guide that helps you return to your center?
Dimensions: 24.5" Wide, 24" High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: NFS

In Ancient Greek folklore, a phoenix is a bird that regenerates or is born again. The phoenix symbolizes renewal.
Have you ever faced a crisis that almost took you down, only to come back renewed and stronger?
Dimensions: 35” Wide, 22” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton weft set at 8 epi
Price: $3500

Life is in constant motion and always changing. Sometimes we can anticipate what is going to happen, and sometimes we are caught off guard. But life always has color and texture that make it interesting.
Dimensions: 38” Wide, 27” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 6 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp set at 6 epi
Price: $4800

During Covid I felt like I was living in the belly of a whale. Whales are associated with compassion and solitude, and knowledge of both life and death. They are also associated with unbridled creativity. What was the pandemic like for you?
Dimensions: 38.5” Wide, 30” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 6 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $5000

When I look out my front window I see a lake. Every morning I start my day by running around it. This ritual has brought me good health, calm in challenging times, time to reflect on my life and a community of people that I see every day. The lake is a gift to me and others.
What gifts in your life are you thankful for?
Dimensions: 21.5” Wide, 22" High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $2250

Dimensions: 23” Wide, 23" High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry 10 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $2500

During these days of the Covid 19 virus, Spirit reminds me that we need to remain centered, drawing from our internal strength and energy while these “creatures” try to disrupt our lives.
What spirit or power do you call on when you feel threatened?
Dimensions: 22” Wide, 21" High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $2100

Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.
What do you give thanks for in your life?
Dimensions: 25.5” Wide, 54.5” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $6000

The Algonquin story of the Medicine Woman in the Moon teaches us that some questions may take a long time to be revealed.
What are you waiting to hear from the universe?
Dimensions: 20.5” Wide, 46” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $3750

Native American medicine women gathered herbs to create medicines for those who fall sick. Many of the Native American healing practices are done in community as they believe good health includes being in harmony with their tribe.
What can Western medicine learn from these practices? How do we heal in community?
Dimensions: 18” Wide, 42” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Year: 2020
Price: $2700

We are one element of creation, interconnected with the environment and other creatures. Being in and being one with nature is important for healing – as individual and as a community.
When do you feel at one with nature? How can you more connect with nature in a way that renews you?
Dimensions: 14.5” Wide, 34” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $2000

Creation is a gift to us. Coexisting with creation is an imperative in our time of climate change. When we do harm to the environment, we are doing harm to ourselves.
What forces and voices are doing harm to our environment? How does that show up in your world? What do we need to say and do in response?
Dimensions: 24” Wide, 25" High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $2450

Various elements are necessary for reconciliation to occur after a conflict has ended. We need to examine the relationship between the elements of truth, justice and mercy to complete our journey to reconciliation. Where in your life do you need reconciliation - on a personal level or in your community?
Dimensions: 33” Wide, 31” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 6 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $4000

Dimensions: 23” Wide, 23” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $2500

Traditional New Zealand Māori art is highly spiritual. This symbol is the Pikorua or Double Twist. It represents the journey of life, love, friendship, loyalty, the joining of 2 peoples/cultures.
Who are you bound to on your life journey? What gifts do they bring to your life?
Dimensions: 13.5” Wide, 22.5” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 12 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $1550

It seems these days we are talking away from each other not with each other.
Dimensions: 41” Wide, 41.5” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 6 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $6000
When we come to the alter of God, it is a time to commune with God. It is a time to let God see into our souls.
What does it feel like for God to see into your soul?
Dimensions: 36” Wide, 32.5” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 6 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $5200
Luna is a study of a Maximo Laura design.
Dimensions: 48” Wide, 48” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 6 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: NFS
The Andean or Inca Cross is a stepped cross made up of an equal-armed cross indicating the primary points of the compass and a superimposed square.
Do you have an internal compass or guide that helps you return to your center?
Dimensions: 24.5" Wide, 24" High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: NFS
In Ancient Greek folklore, a phoenix is a bird that regenerates or is born again. The phoenix symbolizes renewal.
Have you ever faced a crisis that almost took you down, only to come back renewed and stronger?
Dimensions: 35” Wide, 22” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton weft set at 8 epi
Price: $3500
Life is in constant motion and always changing. Sometimes we can anticipate what is going to happen, and sometimes we are caught off guard. But life always has color and texture that make it interesting.
Dimensions: 38” Wide, 27” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 6 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp set at 6 epi
Price: $4800
During Covid I felt like I was living in the belly of a whale. Whales are associated with compassion and solitude, and knowledge of both life and death. They are also associated with unbridled creativity. What was the pandemic like for you?
Dimensions: 38.5” Wide, 30” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 6 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $5000
When I look out my front window I see a lake. Every morning I start my day by running around it. This ritual has brought me good health, calm in challenging times, time to reflect on my life and a community of people that I see every day. The lake is a gift to me and others.
What gifts in your life are you thankful for?
Dimensions: 21.5” Wide, 22" High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $2250
Dimensions: 23” Wide, 23" High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry 10 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $2500
During these days of the Covid 19 virus, Spirit reminds me that we need to remain centered, drawing from our internal strength and energy while these “creatures” try to disrupt our lives.
What spirit or power do you call on when you feel threatened?
Dimensions: 22” Wide, 21" High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $2100
Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.
What do you give thanks for in your life?
Dimensions: 25.5” Wide, 54.5” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $6000
The Algonquin story of the Medicine Woman in the Moon teaches us that some questions may take a long time to be revealed.
What are you waiting to hear from the universe?
Dimensions: 20.5” Wide, 46” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $3750
Native American medicine women gathered herbs to create medicines for those who fall sick. Many of the Native American healing practices are done in community as they believe good health includes being in harmony with their tribe.
What can Western medicine learn from these practices? How do we heal in community?
Dimensions: 18” Wide, 42” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Year: 2020
Price: $2700
We are one element of creation, interconnected with the environment and other creatures. Being in and being one with nature is important for healing – as individual and as a community.
When do you feel at one with nature? How can you more connect with nature in a way that renews you?
Dimensions: 14.5” Wide, 34” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $2000
Creation is a gift to us. Coexisting with creation is an imperative in our time of climate change. When we do harm to the environment, we are doing harm to ourselves.
What forces and voices are doing harm to our environment? How does that show up in your world? What do we need to say and do in response?
Dimensions: 24” Wide, 25" High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $2450
Various elements are necessary for reconciliation to occur after a conflict has ended. We need to examine the relationship between the elements of truth, justice and mercy to complete our journey to reconciliation. Where in your life do you need reconciliation - on a personal level or in your community?
Dimensions: 33” Wide, 31” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 6 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $4000
Dimensions: 23” Wide, 23” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 8 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $2500
Traditional New Zealand Māori art is highly spiritual. This symbol is the Pikorua or Double Twist. It represents the journey of life, love, friendship, loyalty, the joining of 2 peoples/cultures.
Who are you bound to on your life journey? What gifts do they bring to your life?
Dimensions: 13.5” Wide, 22.5” High
Medium: Handwoven tapestry set at 12 epi
Materials: Wool and cotton weft, cotton warp
Price: $1550